What is the PP diet? This is, first of all, short for "proper nutrition. "With the help of such a diet, you can regulate metabolic processes in the body, which will allow it to independently begin to get rid of fat deposits and toxins. In this case, you will not need to torment your body with exhausting hunger strikes, arrange fasting days for yourself or eat tasteless and monotonous food.
A diet for weight loss according to the correct nutritional system (PN) can be treated differently. You can criticize it and find fault with it, or you can fanatically adhere to it all your life, enjoying the way you look. But the fact that the PP menu diet for a week for weight loss is effective and has helped thousands of fat people who have given up is a fact proven by time and confirmed by nutritionists.
Basics of PP
There are three basic rules of PP:
- The diet should be varied.
- It is imperative to control your daily calorie intake and maintain a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed.
- It is important to follow a diet.
The products should be varied, since only in this way can the body receive all the vitamins, microelements and nutrients it needs. If it is full, the brain will not "ask" for chocolate or candy.
It is better to plan your diet in advance and stock up on products to prepare it. A person must have a food package prepared for at least a week.
It is worth keeping in mind that even if all the principles of proper nutrition are followed, a person may continue to gain weight, since he will not maintain the permissible daily calorie intake. It is equally important to calculate the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is difficult to do without a calorie calculator and keep a food diary on the PP.
Be sure to weigh your food and ready-made food portions. There is no need to panic. These measures are necessary only for beginners who decide to start eating right. After just a few weeks you will be able to calculate the calorie content of dishes "by eye".
You should not consume less than 1200 kcal per day, as this can be dangerous for your health.
The power mode is fractional. You need to eat in small portions, but at least 6 times a day. The last meal should occur no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
Clean water without gas should always be at hand. This will satisfy the feeling of hunger, and the body will not stock up on the incoming food "for future use", storing it in the fat mass.
The PP diet accelerates metabolic processes. A person becomes energetic, loses the desire to constantly eat something, the need for extra calories simply disappears.
Principles of the PP
PP principles you need to follow to start losing weight:
- We drink water.Every morning, immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature.
- We eat often.You need to eat according to the principle of fractionation. In this case, the total number of approaches to the table should be five. Compliance with this principle helps the stomach to cope with the products entering it faster and better.
- Let's keep the balance.It is necessary to consume vegetables in the same quantity as foods that are sources of unsaturated fatty acids. These are seeds, nuts, avocados and vegetable oils.
- Carbohydrates in the morning, proteins in the evening.Foods rich in carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day. In the evening you should give preference to protein dishes.
- Gentle heat treatment.Products can be boiled, stewed, baked and steamed. Frying is prohibited.
- Two liters of water a day– this is its mandatory limit.
- Focus on slow carbs.They take longer to digest, so they help you lose weight. The menu should include cereals, low-sugar vegetables and durum wheat pasta. These products must not be combined with animal and vegetable fats.
Products that should be included in the PP diet
To successfully create a menu, you need to include in it the following products allowed on the PP:
- Potatoes and cereals. They are the main sources of carbohydrates. In addition, they can be used to obtain minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Potatoes and cereals contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which not only saturates, but also accelerates metabolic processes.
- Vegetables and fruitrich in vitamins, fibre, macro and microelements.
- Dairy and fermented milk products. They are sources of protein and calcium. Furthermore, both of these elements will be absorbed by the body very quickly and efficiently.
- Eggs, fish, poultry, meat. From them, the body receives not only proteins, but also unsaturated fatty acids, especially abundant in fish. Don't forget vitamins A, D, B12, present in each of the food products listed. Another value they provide is help in the absorption of iron, due to the lack of which anemia develops.
- Fats and oils. In the area of fats we are talking about cream, lard, fish oil, all vegetable oils and butter. They saturate the body with healthy fatty acids and vitamin E. For such products, the skin will reward its owner with a radiant look.
- HoneyIt is a source of vitamins and also produces a bacteriostatic effect.
Foods prohibited in the PP diet

The list of foods that should not be consumed is almost identical for most diets. Therefore, it is also understandable on an intuitive level.
The following are prohibited:
- Alcohol.
- Fast food.
- Semi-finished products.
- Products that contain flavor enhancers, preservatives, emulsifiers, etc.
- Drinks containing gas.
- Crackers, snacks, chips.
- Chocolate bars, confectionery products manufactured on an industrial scale.
- Store-bought sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, aioli, etc.
PP power supply circuit
To create a menu, you need to focus on the following recommendations:
- For breakfast, eat foods that are a source of proteins and complex carbohydrates. This can be porridge cooked in water. You can also use milk to cook cereals, but it should be diluted with water in equal proportions. For breakfast you can eat cottage cheese with berries, pasta with grated cheese and an omelette with vegetables. The so-called oatmeal pancake is popular. Unsweetened tea or coffee is used as drinks.
- After 2 hours you need to have a snack. Foods suitable for this purpose are sources of complex carbohydrates and fat-containing foods. For example, you can eat an apple or nuts.
- Lunch should be balanced in composition. It should contain foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is important not to eat too much.
- After another 2 hours, you can have a snack again. For this purpose, cottage cheese with berries, kefir with cinnamon, banana, coffee or tea with curd dessert are suitable.
- Dinner should contain protein foods. Therefore, for dinner, you can choose any boiled or baked fish, as well as a salad of fresh vegetables with vegetable oil dressing.
How to prepare a meal plan to lose weight
Individual planning of your menu for the day, week, month will help you develop the habit of eating correctly and in a strictly defined manner. Fractionated - at least 3 times and preferably 5-6 times a day - the diet is the key to dietary discipline. There is no need to interrupt or rearrange your usual daily routine. Rely on your lifestyle when creating a plan.
Diet for "early risers" (people who wake up, for example, at 6: 00 am and go to bed at 10: 00 pm)
- At 7. 00 breakfast;
- At 10. 00 am second light breakfast;
- At 1. 00 pm we go to lunch;
- At 4pm afternoon tea time;
- At 7. 00 pm dinner.
Diet for "night owls" (people who get up after 9. 00 and go to bed around 24. 00)
- At 10: 00 breakfast;
- At 1. 00 pm lunch time;
- At 3. 00 pm it's time for lunch;
- At 5pm we go for afternoon tea;
- At 8. 00 pm it's time for dinner.
Therefore, modify your meal plan according to your daily routine.
What is important when creating a PP menu
- When planning your weekly menu, prepare a shopping list right away. And decide immediately on which day you will cook what. On certain days, for example, chicken and fish should be included. One day you should have a light vegetable salad for dinner and a hearty beef steak for lunch, etc.
- You shouldn't skip breakfast, even if you're not hungry. Every breakfast should be balanced and nutritious: 50% of your daily carbohydrate intake should be at breakfast, 30% should be allocated to proteins and 20% to fats.
- Dinner should contain mostly protein. For example, low-fat cottage cheese, baked chicken or steamed fish.
- Afternoon snacks and second breakfasts are correct and balanced snacks between main meals. But they should not turn into a full meal. Prepare fresh fruit for a snack (you can eat a banana, 150-200 g of grapes, a large apple), fresh or boiled vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, etc. ), dried fruits or nuts (the latter should be unsalted and not by volume) exceeding 30 g per dose).
- When counting calories, subtract those burned during physical activity. For example, if you'll be walking around the city all day or have planned to do long-distance cyclocross, increase your diet for that day. Plan the right amount of carbohydrates and proteins and have a good breakfast before leaving home.
- Drink normal drinking water, not cold or boiling (cleans the gastrointestinal tract and starts metabolic processes). Green tea is good for those who lose weight (accelerates metabolism, replenishes the body's need for antioxidants and perfectly suppresses appetite).
- You can drink coffee, but drink high-calorie variants (latte or cappuccino) only before lunch.
PP menu for the week
Diet options for 1 day:
Breakfast: 8: 00 | Lunch: 10: 30 | Lunch: 1. 30pm | Afternoon snack: 6. 30pm | Dinner | Daily Kcal (amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates) | |
No. 1 | Oatmeal pancakes with salmon and cottage cheese. Total: 382 kcal |
Baked apple with raisins, 130 ml of yogurt | Beef cutlet – 110 g, boiled buckwheat – 130 g, lecho with beans and carrots – 100 g. The total calorie content for lunch is 422 kcal. |
Sandwich with vegetables and cheese: calorie content is 225 kcal | Tuna salad – 250 g Total calorie content of dinner – 251 kcal | Per day – 1471 kcal, where: B – 102, 2 g F – 53, 4 g U – 138, 2 g |
No. 2 | Cottage cheese and banana pancakes with sour cream – 250 g, total calorie content 388 kcal | Orange and 15 g of almonds. Total calorie content – 170 kcal | Baked salmon – 130 g, Rice with vegetables – 150 g, Cherry – 100 g Total: 452 kcal |
Gridnev bread – 40 g; Ricotta – 20 g; Boiled egg. Total: 196 kcal |
Turkey fillet in soy sauce – 135 g, Stewed vegetables – 100 g. Total: 272 kcal |
Per day – 1478 kcal, where: B: 97. 5 g F: 54, 1 g U: 158, 1g |
number 3 | Sandwiches with wholemeal bread, lightly salted salmon with egg – 220 g Total: 400 kcal |
Fruit salad – 200 g. Total: 208 kcal |
Baked beef with vegetables – 210 g, Salad with carrots and radish – 120 g. Total: 415 kcal. |
Ricotta with kiwi and yogurt – 220 g. Total: 183 kcal |
Pizza PP – 110 g; Kefir – 170 ml. Total: 287 kcal. |
For knocking - 1493 kcal, joy: B: 104g F: 54, 1 g U: 137g |
No. 4 | Pancakes with wholemeal flour – 3 pcs. Pancake filling: cottage cheese and unsweetened yogurt. Total: 363 kcal |
Fruit salad – 15 g. Total: 156 kcal |
Stewed turkey liver – 150 g; Boiled rice with mushrooms – 150 g; A tomato. Total: 409 kcal. |
Sandwich with ricotta and lightly salted salmon. Total: 177 kcal. |
Minced fish cutlet – 100 g; Vegetable salad – 200 g; Kefir – 200 ml. Total: 335 kcal. |
Per day – 1440 kcal, where: F: 53, 3 g B: 101, 4 g U: 147. 5g |
No. 5 | Oatmeal with cottage cheese and banana Total: 401 kcal |
Orange and 17 nuts. Total: 178 kcal |
Minced turkey cutlet with cheese – 100 g; Boiled buckwheat – 100 g; Beetroot salad – 115 g. Total: 4-01 kcal |
Chocolate muffins with ricotta – 105 g. Total: 178 kcal. |
Salad with tuna and beans – 265 g. Total6 327 kcal |
For knocking - 1486 kcal, where: B: 114. 5 g F: 50. 5g; U: 147, 1g |
No. 6 | Fruit pilaf – 250 g, boiled egg. Total: 380 kcal |
Pear and peach. Total: 117 kcal |
Turkey in soy sauce – 150 g; Pasta – 120 g; Tomato. Total: 437 kcal. |
Cheesecake – 150 g. Total: 227 kcal. |
Fish casserole with cauliflower – 200 g; Tomato; A glass of kefir – 200 ml. Total: 356 kcal. |
For knocking - 1516 kcal, where: B: 106. 6 g P: 48. 9 g U: 164g |
No. 7 | Casserole with cottage cheese – 250 g; Yogurt – 50 gr. Total: 415 kcal. |
Fruit salad – 250 g. Total: 218 kcal. |
Marine pasta with turkey meat – 250 g; Vegetables in salad with olive oil – 200 g. Total: 369 kcal. |
Courgette fritters – 100 g; Yogurt – 50 gr. Total: 236 kcal. |
Turkey in soy sauce – 150 g;
Vegetable salad – 200 g. Total: 258 kcal. |
For impacts – 1495 kcal, where:
B: 105, 2 g F: 53, 1 g U: 149, 1g |
Pros of PP
Proper nutrition really helps you lose weight. Furthermore, the body heals and the person feels cheerful and full of energy.
There are other advantages of PP:
- This diet is unique in that the feeling of hunger will not occur to those who are losing weight. At the same time he will eat varied and tasty.
- Desserts are allowed in the PP, the important thing is that they have few calories and do not contain harmful ingredients.
- Proper nutrition allows you to get rid of cellulite, put your skin, hair and nails in order.
- All products are affordable, which saves your budget. Although at first glance it may seem that the diet will "hit" your wallet. In fact, it is enough to try such a diet for several weeks to understand that it is very convenient, and most importantly, healthy.
10 mistakes when losing weight
The most common mistakes when losing weight:
- You cannot strictly limit yourself in everything. If you want to eat something from the forbidden foods, you can do so, but only in the first half of the day and in small quantities.
- You can't cut calories too much. This will lead to the fact that at first you will be able to lose weight very quickly, and then the weight will also quickly return. In addition, everything will be represented by fat deposits. Your metabolism will slow down and your health will worsen. Therefore, one should not make such a common mistake as drastically limiting the diet.
- It would be wrong to decide that you can eat any food, the main thing is not to go beyond the specified calorie content. Food should be healthy.
- You should not cut carbohydrates in the menu. This will inevitably lead to an increase in the desire for sweets. Therefore, a person will definitely have a nervous breakdown and will overeat sweets and buns. Slow carbohydrates are needed. With them you can effectively lose weight without harm to your health.
- You can not eat in the evening - this is the most common mistake made by many people who are losing weight. It is necessary to have dinner, but priority should be given to protein foods supplemented with fiber.
- It is unacceptable to remove fats from the diet. The daily norm for an adult is 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight. Fat deficiency should not be more than 20%.
- It is imperative to take into account all foods consumed during the day. And it doesn't matter if it's the cookies you finished with your child or the sweet tea. It would be a mistake not to include them in your total daily calorie intake.
- If a person does not make a clear plan for himself according to which he will eat, this is another mistake. The menu must be planned for a week or at least a day. This allows you to increase self-discipline.
- Failure to comply with the regime is a serious mistake, which will manifest itself in the form of fat deposits in problem areas of the body. No more than 4 hours should pass between approaches to the table. You should not skip main meals. If you are hungry all day, you will definitely overeat in the evening, which is contrary to the principles of PP.
- You can't compare yourself to other people and eat like them. Each organism is individual, this applies not only to the plumb line, but also to the state of health, the speed of metabolic processes, etc.
More tips from healthy people
To lose weight faster, it is recommended to drink more clean water. Any liquid must be non-carbonated. It is also useful to drink a glass of warm water half an hour before meals. This will help you feel full faster during the meal and not overeat. To remember to do this, you can download a special application to your mobile phone that will remind you in time to drink a portion of water.
It's easy to control the amount of food you consume if you have the right utensils. Reviews of those who are losing weight show that it is easier to reduce the amount of food if you eat from small plates. It is advisable to choose dishes with a diameter of no more than 150 mm. This method really works, it does not deceive the stomach, but the main organ - the brain. A person sees a plate full of food in front of him and fills it up, even if he has eaten less than usual. Proper nutrition consists of eating small meals often.
One of the main enemies of a good figure and health is salt and sugar. Giving it up can be difficult, but for the sake of a healthy body it is necessary. Consuming sugar in its pure form increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, oral diseases and, of course, excess weight. Salt is not lagging behind in this regard: it promotes water retention in the body, which causes kidney and liver diseases.
Replacing sugar is as easy as shelling pears; you will need natural honey or a substitute. It will be more difficult to get used to unsalted food, but the adaptation period, as reviews show, lasts about two weeks. If you minimize your salt intake for at least half a month, your food will soon seem just as tasty. Furthermore, it can be replaced with spices and herbs.
Let's summarize
So, the PP menu of the week is a diet that can be used by everyone. It is also suitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. There is no need to starve, wear out and conduct experiments on your body. This is a painless, simple and economical method for the correction and health of the body. To forever forget about starvation diets, expensive slimming pills, dubious cocoa tablets, it is enough to learn the rules discussed above and not deviate from them.